Pop culture-Japan (34) - Japonly

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Pop culture-Japan (34)

Japan "lifestyle" > Real artists

Because Pop culture = Japan ♥

"In the Japanese collective imagination, there is some form of fatalism facing natural disasters we cannot predict. So they are used to tell stories to scare. This is a form of release. "Christophe Sabouret specialist of Japan.
This desire to exorcise fears sometimes expressed with a sense of humor or at least a need to be positive in things like LeBasse Projects, "Hakuryuu - White Dragon", new works by Yumiko Kayukawa that in response to the devastating earthquake of 2011 explored the human mechanisms face to tragic events, feeling herself helpless. "Hakuryuu - White Dragon" symbolizes an omen of good fortune and optimism.

A click on the works and you will discover more about the artists!

Rio de janeiro de Yuko Shimizu

Takayuki Shimada

Masami Teraoka

Yumiko Kayukawa

Yoshitomo Nara

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